About Us
- A history of growth and success
- Focus on people, not profits
- Outreach strengthens communities
Your financial success is always our No. 1 priority.
We started out serving a small group of phone company employees. These days, we go beyond the call and connect 37,000 members with the best financial services possible.
We got our start in the same way as many credit unions. Employees of a local company - in our case, Southern Bell - wanted better treatment than they were getting at the area's big banks.
The year was 1935. Our original name was Tri-City Telco Credit Union. We served telephone workers in Greensboro, Burlington and Reidsville. Then, as now, our philosophy was: "People Helping People."
Put simply, that means we're focused on our members' success throughout every stage of their lives - and not on shareholder profits. That's because, as a not-for-profit financial cooperative, we don't have any shareholders to please.
Unlike many financial institutions, Tri-City Telco survived the Great Depression. And over the decades, it added members and continued to thrive.
In 1976, we merged with Twin City Telco Credit Union, which served Winston-Salem telephone employees. At that point, we changed our name to First Telco Credit Union. Following the dismantling of the “Ma Bell” nationwide phone system in 1984, we began welcoming members outside of the telephone industry.
In 1991, after adding many new business partners and merging with several credit unions, our name was changed again to Summit Credit Union – as we are known today.
Along the way, we've added a number of services - including cutting-edge Digital Banking tools that have added considerable convenience to our members' lives. We've also become increasingly active in our local communities, providing scholarships for deserving students, offering financial literacy opportunities, and supporting the Victory Junction Gang Camp, which enriches the lives of children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses.
As we near our 90th birthday, we serve over 300 business partners and have 37,000 individual members. But our broader mission really hasn't changed much since 1935.
We greet every person who walks through our doors, or contacts us by email or calls us on the phone, and think: "How can we do right by them today?"
Our Mission Statement: "Partnering for your financial success."
Our Value Statement: “We provide fast and accurate service by people who care.”
Summit Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with eight branches throughout North Carolina.
Frequently Asked Questions
Current employees of any of our business partners and their immediate family are able to join. To become a member, you must open a new Savings account by depositing at least $5. Opening a Savings account is fast and easy.
We have eight branches across North Carolina with locations in Greensboro, Hickory, High Point, Oxford, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem.
Related Resources

Banking Where You Need It
Bank from anywhere, anytime. Digital Banking is available to members 24/7.