Special Savings Account
- Save with a purpose in mind
- Pay for vacations, college, etc.
- Earn competitive dividends
Bring one of your savings goals into sharper focus.
Saving money in general is a good idea. But sometimes it's easier to track your progress when you set aside funds for a specific purpose.
Save for next summer's exciting trip, next semester's tuition, or next year's big tax bill. By making deposits year-round, you can stay ahead of the financial curve and cover major costs without putting strain on your everyday budget.
- No minimum balance required
- No monthly fees
- Same dividend rate as regular savings account
- Dividends are paid quarterly
- Three withdrawals and/or transfers free each month for each account. (Additional transactions are $3 each)
- Monitor progress using Digital Banking tools
Apply in-person at any Summit Credit Union branch, or text or call our Member Service Call Center at 336-662-6200.

Club Savings
Welcome to our clubs! Kids, teens, young adults, seniors, and families saving for Christmas can all find accounts tailored exactly to their financial needs.
Summit Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with eight branches throughout North Carolina.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your $5.00 on deposit in your savings account means you own one share of the Credit Union and are a part owner with full voting rights. Once you are a member/owner, you are eligible to take advantage of the other services available at the credit union. If your savings balance falls below the $5.00 requirement, you will need to make a deposit to bring the balance back to $5.00 to maintain your membership.
Our Christmas Club gives you a way to save money for end-of-year expenses. An account can be opened anytime during the year and can be accessed October 1 each year. You are able to take a partial withdrawal prior to October 1 with a $5 fee.

Free Checking
We help you avoid needless fees. Trust us for free checking with no strings attached.