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Through our free workshops members learn practical tips on how to reach goals and improve their personal finances.

Membership Eligibility

To be eligible for membership in the Credit Union you must be an individual or entity qualifying within the Credit Union's field of membership, have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN) and must purchase and maintain minimum shares as required by the Credit Union's Bylaws. You authorize us to check your account, credit and employment history, and obtain a credit report from third parties, including credit reporting agencies, to verify your eligibility for the accounts and services you request.

Account Ownership & Designations

The classification and form of ownership of your accounts are designated on your Member Services Signature Card. Unless you waive your rights, you understand that certain account designations, such as joint ownership with right of survivorship or POD beneficiary may be invalidated upon the Credit Union’s receipt of notice of marriage dissolution as required by applicable law.

Individual Accounts

An individual account is an account owned by one depositor including any individual, trust, or other fiduciary relationship qualified for Credit Union membership. If the account is an individual account, the interest of a deceased individual owner will pass, subject to applicable law, to the decedent's estate or payable on death beneficiary, if applicable.

Joint Accounts

An account owned by two or more persons is a joint account. Any account in which you request joint ownership with another party will be an individual account until the Credit Union receives a Member Services Signature Card signed by you and the joint owner(s), at which time the account will be a jointly owned account and the following joint ownership rights will apply.

  1. Joint Ownership

    Joint owners are not members unless they are eligible and qualified as members. Any joint owner on a share account is authorized as joint owner on all deposit sub-accounts under that account.
  2. Rights of Survivorship

    If your account is a joint account with right of survivorship, then upon the death of one of the joint account owners, that person's interest will become the property of the surviving joint account owner(s).
  3. Rights of Joint Account Owners

    Any joint account owner is authorized and deemed to act for the other owner(s). The Credit Union may accept orders and instructions regarding the account and requests for future services from any account owner. Each account owner guarantees the signature of the other owners. Joint owners may remove themselves from any account by closing the account or providing written consent to remove themselves from the account. Any account owner may withdraw all funds in the account, stop payment on items drawn on an account, withdraw, or pledge all or any part of the shares of any account (excluding funds representing a membership share), without the consent of the other account owner(s) and the Credit Union shall have no duty to notify any other joint account owner(s). If the Credit Union receives written notice of a dispute between account owners or receives inconsistent instructions from them, the Credit Union may suspend or terminate the account, require a court order to act, or require that all joint account owners agree in writing to any transaction concerning the account.
  4. Joint Account Owner Liability

    If any item deposited in a joint account is returned unpaid or an account is overdrawn, or if we do not receive final payment on any transaction, each of the multiple account owners is jointly and severally liable to the Credit Union for the amount of the returned item, overdraft, or unpaid amount and any fees, regardless of who created the overdraft, deposited or cashed the item or benefited from the transaction. If any account owner is indebted to the Credit Union, the Credit Union may enforce its rights against any or all funds in the joint account regardless of who contributed the funds to the joint account.

POD Beneficiaries

A Payable on Death (POD) designation is an instruction to the Credit Union that a designated account is an account payable to the owner or owners during their lifetimes, and upon the death of the last joint account owner, payable to any named and surviving POD beneficiary designated by you. Accounts payable to more than one POD beneficiary are owned jointly by such beneficiaries with rights of survivorship. Any POD beneficiary designation shall not apply to IRA accounts which shall be governed by a separate beneficiary designation. The Credit Union shall at no time have any obligation to notify any beneficiary of the existence of any account or the vesting of the beneficiary's interest in any account, except as otherwise provided by law.

Accounts for Minors

For any account established by or for a minor, the Credit Union reserves the right to require the minor account owner to have a parental joint account owner or custodian who is at least eighteen (18) years of age who shall be jointly and severally liable to the Credit Union for any returned item, overdraft, or unpaid fees or amounts on such account. The Credit Union may make payments of funds directly to the minor without regard to his or her minority. The Credit Union has no duty to inquire of the use or purpose of any transaction by the minor or joint account owner. The minor account owner's tax identification number or valid Social Security Number must be shown on the Member Services Signature Card. The Credit Union shall not change the account status when the minor reaches age eighteen (18), unless authorized in writing by all account owners. When the minor reaches age 18, he or she may change account ownership or status by written order.

Uniform Transfer to Minors Accounts

A Uniform Transfer to Minor (Custodial) Account (UTMA) is an individual account created by a custodian who deposits funds as an irrevocable gift to a minor. The minor to whom the gift is made is the beneficiary of the custodial property in the account. The custodian has possession and control of the account for the exclusive right and benefit of the minor and barring a court order otherwise, is the only party entitled to make deposits, withdrawals, or close the account. We have no duty to inquire about the use or purpose of any transaction. If the custodian dies, we may suspend the account, until we receive instructions from any person authorized by law to withdraw funds or a court order authorizing withdrawal.

Personal Agency Accounts

A member, as principal, may open a personal agency account naming an additional person as agent. The agent, who shall not be a minor, may act on behalf of the principal in regard to the account. The agent shall have the authority to: (i) make, sign or execute checks drawn on the account or otherwise make withdrawals from the account; (ii) endorse checks made payable to the principal for deposit only to the account; and (iii) deposit cash or negotiable instruments, including instruments endorsed by the principal, into the account. Each such personal agency account will be controlled by the provisions of N.C.G.S. 54-109.63. A personal agency account creates no ownership right or interest in the agent. Upon the election of the principal, the authority of the agent to act on behalf of the principal may be revoked.

Fiduciary Accounts

A fiduciary account is an account opened by an executor, administrator, personal representative, trustee, conservator, or other fiduciary in such capacity authorized under a will, court order or trust instrument establishing the fiduciary relationship or a Representative Payee authorized by the Social Security Administration (“fiduciary”). The account owner is the estate, conservatorship, trust or Social Security Administration benefit recipient as the sole owner of this account. The fiduciary is authorized to act on behalf of the account owner but has no ownership interest in the account. The fiduciary is the only authorized party to transact on this account. The fiduciary is expressly authorized to endorse all items payable to or owned by the Account owner for deposit with or collection by the Credit Union and to execute such other agreements and to perform any other account transaction under the Agreement. The fiduciary is authorized to receive account information from the Credit Union, either orally or in writing, and any information related to the account. The authority given to the fiduciary shall remain in full force until a court order, termination of the account owner or written notice of revocation is received by the Credit Union either by a court appointed representative of the account owner or by the Social Security Administration, as applicable. Any such notice shall not affect any items in process at the time notice is given. The Credit Union may rely upon these representations and shall have no duty to examine such authorizing documents for compliance or inquire as to the powers and duties of the fiduciary and shall have no notice of any breach of fiduciary duties by the fiduciary unless the Credit Union has actual notice of wrongdoing. The account owner agrees that the Credit Union shall not be liable for any losses due to the account owner’s failure to notify the Credit Union of any unauthorized acts of the fiduciary or changes to the relationship between the fiduciary and account owner. The account owner and fiduciary agree to indemnify and hold Credit Union harmless of any claim or liability as a result of unauthorized acts of the fiduciary upon which Credit Union relies prior to any actual notice of any account change or change of account owner.

Deposit Requirements

Funds may be deposited to any account in any manner approved by the Credit Union in accordance with the requirements set forth on the Truth-in-Savings Disclosure provided. All accounts are non-assignable and nonnegotiable to third parties. You agree not to deposit any substitute check or similar item that you have created, or for which no financial institution has provided any substitute warranties and indemnity. If you do so, you agree to indemnify the Credit Union for all losses the Credit Union incurs in connection with the substitute check or item. You agree not to deposit any substitute check without our consent.

  1. Endorsements

    You authorize the Credit Union, in its discretion, to accept transfers, checks, drafts, and other items for deposit into any of your accounts, whether or not they are endorsed by all payees. You authorize the Credit Union to supply missing endorsements if the Credit Union chooses to supply such endorsements. The Credit Union reserves the right to verify all endorsements on third party checks presented for deposit either in person or by comparison with member signature files. If an insurance, government, and certain other checks or drafts require an endorsement as set forth on the back of the check, the Credit Union may require endorsement as set forth on the check. Endorsements must be placed in the space between the top edge and 1 ½ inches from the top edge. The Credit Union may accept drafts or checks with endorsements outside this space. However, if any such endorsement or other markings you or any prior endorser make on the check cause any delay or error in processing the item for payment, you will be responsible for any loss incurred by the Credit Union due to the delay or error.
  2. Collection of Items

    The Credit Union shall not be responsible for deposits made by mail or at an unstaffed facility until the Credit Union actually receives them. In handling items for deposit or collection, the Credit Union only acts as your agent and assumes no responsibility beyond the exercise of ordinary care. The Credit Union will not be liable for default or negligence of any correspondent or for loss in transit, and each correspondent will only be liable for its own negligence. The Credit Union reserves the right to send any item for collection. The Credit Union, in receiving items from you for withdrawal or deposit, acts only as your agent and reserves the right to reverse the credit for any deposited items or to charge your account for the items should they become lost in the collection process.
  3. Final Payment

    All items or Automated Clearing House (“ACH") transfers credited to your account are provisional and subject to our receipt of final payment. If final payment is not received, we reserve the right to charge your account for the amount of those items or ACH transfers and impose a return fee on your account. After we have received final payment, we refer to these deposits as collected items. If the Credit Union incurs any fee to collect any item, the Credit Union may charge such fee to your account. The Credit Union reserves the right to refuse or to return all or any item or funds transfer. The Credit Union shall have the right to charge back against your account all previously deposited items or other items endorsed by you that are returned to the Credit Union unpaid, regardless of whether the amount of the item has been available for your use.
  4. Direct Deposits

    The Credit Union may offer direct deposit options allowing you to preauthorize deposits (e.g., payroll checks, Social Security or retirement checks, or other government checks) or preauthorize transfers from other accounts at the Credit Union. You must authorize any direct deposits to your accounts by a separate authorization form. If applicable, you must notify the Credit Union at least thirty (30) days prior to any direct deposit or preauthorized transfer if you wish to cancel or change the direct deposit or direct transfer option. If the Credit Union is required to reimburse the U.S. Government for any benefit payment directly deposited into your account for any reason, you agree the Credit Union may deduct the amount returned from any of your accounts, unless prohibited by law.
  5. Crediting of Deposits

    Deposits made on Saturdays, Sundays, and Credit Union holidays will be credited to your account on the next business day. Ask for our current deposit cutoff time. Deposits received at unstaffed facilities, such as night depositories, will be credited on the day funds are removed and processed by the Credit Union and are subject to adjustment based on our verification of the items deposited. Items drawn from an institution located outside the United States are handled on a collection basis only. Funds will be credited to your account when we receive final payment. You waive any notice of nonpayment, dishonor, or protest regarding any items purchased or received by the Credit Union for credit to your account or for collection.
  6. Aggregate Balance Reporting

    We report the total balances in Checking and Money Market accounts to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) as part of our federally-required regulatory reporting. We report funds in these accounts as an aggregate total, not as individual account balances. To facilitate aggregate reporting, we establish sub-accounts for both Checking and Savings so we may periodically reclassify funds between these two accounts (for reporting purposes only). This reclassification between sub-accounts is completely behind-the-scenes and is totally invisible to you, but it allows us to substantially lower our reserving requirement at the FRB. The result is an increase in the amount of funds available for loans and investments, which increases our ability to serve you. It does not affect your available balance, dividend earnings, or NCUA insurance, and nothing additional will appear on your statement.

Account Access

  1. Authorized Signature

    The Credit Union is authorized to recognize your signature, but will not be liable for refusing to honor any item or instruction of yours if it believes in good faith that the signature on such item or instruction is not genuine. If you open your account electronically and/or do not provide us with a physical signature, you agree that we may, without liability, accept as genuine any signature that appears to be yours. If you have authorized the use of a facsimile signature, the Credit Union may honor any draft that appears to bear your facsimile signature even if it was made by an unauthorized person. If you give your account number to a third person, you authorize us to honor transactions initiated by the third person even if you did not specifically authorize a particular transaction.
  2. Access Options

    You may make withdrawals or transfers from your account in any manner which is permitted by the Credit Union (e.g., check, automated teller machines (ATMs), debit card, in person, by mail, automatic transfer, Digital Banking, or telephone). If the Credit Union accepts any check that is not drawn on a form provided by the Credit Union, you will be responsible for any loss incurred by the Credit Union for handling the check. The Credit Union may return as unpaid any check that is not drawn in the form provided by the Credit Union.
  3. Electronic Check Transactions

    1. Electronic Checks

      If you authorize a merchant to electronically debit your checking account using the routing number, account and serial number of your check to initiate the transfer, whether the check is blank, partially or fully completed and signed, such authorization is an electronic check conversion. An electronic check conversion is an electronic funds transfer (EFT) subject to the terms of your Electronic Services Agreement. You authorize us to honor any electronic check conversion from your checking account just the same as a regular written check.
    2. Electronic Re-presented Checks

      If you write a check on a personal account that we return unpaid because of insufficient or uncollected funds, payee or any subsequent holder of the check may re-present the check to us, through an electronic instruction (Electronic Re-presented Check) to charge your account for the amount of the check. If we receive an electronic re-presented check, we will pay or return the electronic re-presented check as if the original paper check was presented to us. Any collection fee you authorize the merchant to debit from your account is an Electronic Service subject to the terms of your Electronic Services Agreement. If you want to reverse an electronic re-presented check, you must give us an affidavit within 15 days after we send or make available to you the periodic statement that reflects payment of that electronic re-presented check. In your affidavit, you must declare and swear under oath that the electronic re-presented check was ineligible or unauthorized. If we receive proper notice or affidavit from you within the 15-day period, we will re-credit your account with the amount of the charge. If you wish to stop payment of any electronic re- presented check, you must follow the procedures contained in this Agreement for stopping payment of checks, not the procedures for stopping payment on electronic loan or bill payments. If you ask us to request the depositor’s bank to send us the original paper check or a copy of the paper check, and we provide it to you, you agree that you will not seek to have your account re-credited due to a prior stop payment order or if the item is otherwise ineligible for collection.
  4. ACH & Domestic Wire Transfers

    If offered, you may initiate or receive credits or debits to your account via wire transfer or ACH (Automated Clearing House) transfer. You agree that if you receive funds by a wire or ACH transfer, the Credit Union is not required to notify you at the time the funds are received. Instead, the transfer will be shown on your periodic statement. The Credit Union may provisionally credit your account for an ACH transfer before it receives final settlement for the transfer. You agree that if the Credit Union does not receive final settlement for a transfer, it may reverse the provisional credit to your account, or you will refund the amount to the Credit Union. When you initiate a wire transfer, you may identify either the recipient or any financial institution by name and by account number. The Credit Union (and other institutions) may rely on the account or other identifying number you give as the proper identification number, even if it identifies a different party or institution. Terms and conditions for international wire transfers will be provided at the time of the transfer transaction. In the state of North Carolina, domestic wire transfers are governed by the Uniform Commercial Code Section 4A, and (if the transfer is cleared through the Federal Reserve) by Federal Reserve Regulation J. International wire transfers are governed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Regulation E. ACH transactions are governed by the rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association. Under those rules, if you have revoked your authorization for previously authorized ACH transactions, the Credit Union will not be responsible for the unauthorized ACH debits to your account if you fail to notify us in writing within 15 days after we send, or make available to you, the statement containing that entry. You agree that the authorized transfer to or from your account must comply with all applicable federal and state laws or regulations including OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control) regulations.
  5. International ACH Transactions

    You understand that in the event an International ACH Transaction (“IAT”) Entry that is transmitted to or from any of your accounts may be identified and designated by the Credit Union’s screening criteria for review and examination under the OFAC Rules and Regulations (“OFAC Rules”). The settlement of such an IAT Entry may be delayed or suspended pending the Credit Union’s review of the IAT Entry, and may be terminated under applicable OFAC Rules. You acknowledge that we may be required to place an indefinite hold on the funds covered by the IAT Entry if the IAT Entry is required to be terminated under the OFAC Rules. You agree that any delay described above will be a permissible delay under the regulations applicable to the availability of funds held in deposit accounts. In the event an IAT Entry is delayed or terminated, we will provide you such notice as may be required by applicable laws and regulations.
  6. Credit Union Examination

    The Credit Union may disregard information on any check other than the signature of the drawer and amount of the item and any magnetic encoded information. You agree the Credit Union does not fail to exercise ordinary care in paying an item solely because its procedures do not provide for sight examination of items.

Account Rates and Fees

The Credit Union's payment of dividends on any account is subject to the account rates, fees, earnings, payment and balance requirements as set forth on the Truth-in-Savings Disclosure and Fees and Limits Schedule. You agree the Credit Union may impose fees for the deposit account services provided by the Credit Union. A current Fees and Limits Schedule has been provided to you separately. You agree the Credit Union may change the Truth-in-Savings Disclosure and Fees and Limits Schedule from time to time and you will be notified of such changes as required by law.

Transaction Limitations

  1. Withdrawal Restrictions

    The Credit Union will permit a withdrawal only if you have sufficient available funds in your account to cover the full amount of the withdrawal or have an established Overdraft Privilege plan. Checks or other transfer or payment orders which are drawn against insufficient available funds will be subject to a service fee, set forth in the Fees and Limits Schedule. If there are sufficient available funds to cover some but not all of your withdrawal orders, the Credit Union may allow those withdrawals for which there are sufficient available funds. The Credit Union may also refuse to allow a withdrawal in other cases, for example: any dispute between the owners about the account (unless a court has ordered the Credit Union to allow the withdrawal), a legal garnishment or attachment is served, the account secures an obligation to the Credit Union, any required documentation has not been presented, or you fail to pay a Credit Union loan on time. You will be advised of the reasons for refusal if such action is taken. The Credit Union reserves the right to require members to give notice in writing of any intended withdrawals from any account (except checks) of not less than seven (7) days and up to sixty 60 days, as required by law, before such withdrawal.
  2. Transfer Limitations

    For savings and money market accounts, you may make up to six (6) preauthorized, automatic, online, telephonic or audio response transfers, to another account of yours or to a third party during any calendar month. A preauthorized transfer includes any arrangement with the Credit Union to pay a third party from the member's account upon oral or written orders including orders received through the ACH. There is no limit on the number of transactions you may make in the following manner: (i) transfers to any loan account with the Credit Union, and (ii) transfers to another credit union account or withdrawals (checks mailed directly to you) when such transfer or withdrawal is initiated in person, by mail or at an ATM. If a transfer request would exceed the transfer limitations set forth above in any statement period, the Credit Union may refuse or reverse the transfer, and your account will be subject to suspension or closure by the Credit Union and the Credit Union may impose a fee.


  1. Your Overdraft Liability

    If on any day the available funds in your checking account are not sufficient to cover checks and other items posted to your account, those checks and items will be handled in accordance with our overdraft procedures, the terms of this Agreement and any established Overdraft Privilege plan. If we pay an item that overdraws your account, you are liable for and agree to pay the overdraft amount. You will be subject to a charge for the item whether paid or returned as set forth in the Fees and Limits Schedule. The Credit Union, by covering one or any overdraft, does not agree to cover overdrafts in the future and may discontinue covering overdrafts at any time. We reserve the right to pursue collection of previously dishonored items at any time, including giving a payor bank extra time beyond any midnight deadline limits.
  2. How We Process Checks

    The Credit Union’s determination of an insufficient account balance is made at the time the check or item is presented to us, which may be later during the day than the time you conduct the transaction. Overdrafts will be determined based on the available balance in your account at the time of presentment. Your available balance may be lower than your actual balance due to funds held for debit card transactions you have authorized and deposited checks held pursuant to our funds availability policy. You can view your available balance through Digital Banking to avoid an overdraft. The credit union does not control the order in which checks are presented for payment, which may differ from the order in which you wrote them. This could affect whether an overdraft occurs. The Credit Union processes checks and items based on the dollar amount of the check or item with the lowest dollar amounts paid first, unless we are required to act otherwise by applicable law or regulation.
  3. Savings Overdraft Transfers

    If you qualify, we will automatically enroll you for overdraft transfers from your savings account. If you have enough funds in your savings account, you authorize us to automatically transfer funds to cover any overdraft on your checking account. You may choose the specific savings account you want overdraft transfers to come from. There is no overdraft transfer fee from a savings account. However, savings accounts are subject to transfer limitations and excess item fees as set forth on the Fees and Limits Schedule. You may opt out of the savings overdraft transfer service at any time by notifying us verbally or in writing.
  4. Line of Credit Overdraft Transfers

    If you acquire a line of credit account with us now or later, if you qualify, and if you ‘opt-in’ to the Service, we will enroll you for overdraft transfers from your line of credit account. That means if you have available credit, you authorize us to automatically transfer funds to cover any overdraft on your checking account. This transfer is considered a cash advance and subject to cash advance fees as set forth in your Loan Agreement. There is no cash advance or overdraft transfer fee for this transfer service, but interest will begin to accrue from the date of any advance. You may opt out of the line of credit overdraft transfer service at any time by notifying us verbally or in writing.
  5. Overdraft Privilege Service

    The Credit Union offers the Overdraft Privilege Service for consumer checking accounts. If your account qualifies for Overdraft Privilege, we will consider, without obligation on our part, paying items for which your account has insufficient or unavailable funds, instead of automatically returning those items unpaid.

    1. Transactions that May Qualify for Overdraft Privilege

      An overdraft occurs when you do not have enough money in your account to cover a transaction. Although there are many reasons why your account might become overdrawn, most overdrafts result from the following:

      1. You write a check or initiate an electronic funds transfer in an amount that exceeds the amount of funds available in your account;
      2. You deposit a check or other item into your account and the item is returned unpaid, which causes a negative balance in your account once your balance is reduced by the amount of the returned check;
      3. You have inadequate funds in your account when we assess a fee or service charge; or
      4. You initiate a transaction before funds deposited into your account are ‘available’ or ‘finally paid’ according to our Funds Availability Policy. For example, if you deposit a check into your account, the proceeds of that check may not be available to you for up to two days after you deposit the check. If you do not have sufficient funds in your account – independent of the check – to cover the transaction, you will incur an overdraft.

      The Overdraft Privilege Service applies to a variety of transactions, including checks and other transactions made using your checking account number; however, we will not include ATM and debit card transactions within our Overdraft Privilege Service.

      Participation in Overdraft Privilege is not mandatory. You may opt-out of the service any time by notifying one of our service representatives. As noted above, we retain full discretion to decline to pay any item under the Overdraft Privilege Program. The means we can refuse to pay any overdraft for any reason. Even if we decide to pay an overdraft item, absent an agreement to the contrary, such payment does not create any duty to pay future overdrafts. If we do not authorize and pay an overdraft, your transaction will be declined and we may assess NSF fees on your account in accordance with your account agreement and the fee schedule in effect at the time of the overdraft.

    2. Fees

      For each overdraft item, we will charge the standard per item NSF Fee set forth in our fee schedule (currently $32.00). We have no obligation to notify you before we pay or return any item. The amount of any overdrafts – including our fees – is due and payable immediately or on demand.

      Also, please note that if we return an item NSF, it will likely be automatically re-presented to us by the financial institution where the item was originally presented for payment. This may result in an additional per-item NSF Fee when re-presented if the amount of the item still exceeds the available funds in your account. There is no limit to the number of per item NSF Fees that can be charged on an individual item, nor to the frequency with which per item NSF Fees can be charged.

    3. Accounts Eligible for Overdraft Privilege

      Overdraft Privilege is a discretionary service and is generally limited to a $500 overdraft (negative) balance for eligible Free Checking accounts. Please note that per item NSF fees count toward your Overdraft Privilege Limit. We may in our sole discretion limit the number of accounts eligible for Overdraft Privilege to one account per household or per taxpayer identification number. Further, Overdraft Privilege is usually extended only to accounts in good standing. An account in good standing exhibits, but is not limited to, the following characteristics:

      1. The account demonstrates consistent deposit activity;
      2. The account owner has no negative deposit account balances and no past due loan obligations with us; and
      3. The account is not subject to any legal or administrative order or levy, such as bankruptcy or tax lien.

      As noted above, we offer other overdraft protection services in addition to Overdraft Privilege such as savings overdraft transfers and line-of-credit overdraft transfers. If you request and are able to establish this optional service, you may save money on the total fess you pay us for overdraft protection services.

      Overdrafts should not be used to pay ordinary or routine expenses, and you should not rely on them to cover these expenses. If at any time you feel you need help with your financial obligations, please contact us at 336-662-6204 to discuss your options or speak with one of our member service representatives at your local branch office.

Postdated and Stale Dated Checks

You authorize us to accept and pay any check, even if the check is presented for payment before its date, unless you notify the Credit Union of the postdating. Your notice will be effective only if the Credit Union receives the notice in time for the Credit Union to notify its employees and reasonably act upon the notice and you accurately describe the check, including the number, date, and amount. You understand that the exact information is necessary for the Credit Union's computer to identify the check. If you give the Credit Union an incorrect, incomplete, or untimely notice, the Credit Union will not be responsible for paying the item before the date stated and the Credit Union may charge your account as of the date the Credit Union pays the item. You may make an oral notice which will lapse within fourteen (14) days unless continued in writing, within that time. You also agree not to deposit checks, drafts, or other items before they are properly payable. The Credit Union is under no obligation to you to pay a check drawn on your account which is presented more than six (6) months after its date.

Stop Payment Orders

  1. Stop Payment Request

    You may ask the Credit Union to stop payment on any check drawn upon or ACH debit scheduled from your checking account. You may request a stop payment by telephone, by mail, Digital Banking, or in-person. For checks, the stop payment will be effective if the Credit Union receives the order in time for the Credit Union to act upon the order. For ACH debits, the stop payment order must be received at least three banking days before the scheduled date of the transfer. You must state the number of the account, date and the exact amount of the check or ACH and the number of the check or originator of the ACH debit. The stop payment will be effective if the Credit Union receives the order in time for the Credit Union to act upon the order and you state the number of the account, date and number of the item, its exact amount, and to whom it was issued. If you give the Credit Union incorrect or incomplete information, the Credit Union will not be responsible for failing to stop payment on the item. If the stop payment order is not received in time for the Credit Union to act upon the order, the Credit Union will not be liable to you or to any other party for payment of the item. If we recredit your account after paying a check over a valid and timely stop payment order, you agree to sign a statement describing the dispute with the payee, to transfer all of your rights against the payee or other holders of the check to the Credit Union, and to assist the Credit Union in legal action taken against the person.
  2. Duration of Order

    You may make an oral stop payment order which will lapse within fourteen (14) calendar days unless continued in writing within that time. A written stop payment order on a check or an ACH transaction will continue until the entry is returned or until you cancel the stop payment order.
  3. Liability

    The Credit Union may charge a fee for each stop payment order requested, as set forth in the Fees and Limits Schedule. You may not stop payment on any certified check or draft, cashier's check or teller's check, or any other check, draft, or payment guaranteed by the Credit Union. You should be aware that while payment of the item may be stopped, you may remain liable to any person, including the Credit Union, who is a holder of the item despite the stop payment order. You agree to indemnify and hold the Credit Union harmless from all costs, including attorney fees, damages or claims related to the Credit Union's action in refusing payment of an item, including claims of any multiple party account owner, payee, or endorsee in failing to stop payment of an item as a result of incorrect information provided by you.

Credit Union's Liability for Errors

If the Credit Union does not properly complete a transaction according to this Agreement, the Credit Union may be liable for your losses or damages but not to exceed the amount of the transaction, except as otherwise provided by law. The Credit Union will not be liable if: (a) through no fault of the Credit Union, your account does not contain enough money to make the transaction, (b) circumstances beyond the Credit Union's control prevents the transaction, (c) your loss is caused by your negligence including your failure to examine your statements, (d) the negligence of another financial institution, or (e) the funds in your account are subject to legal process or other claim. The Credit Union will not be liable for consequential damages except liability for wrongful dishonor. The Credit Union's actions will constitute the exercise of ordinary care if such actions or nonactions are consistent with applicable state law, Federal Reserve regulations and operating letters, clearing house rules, and general banking practices followed in the area serviced by the Credit Union. You grant the Credit Union the right, in making payments of deposited funds, to rely exclusively on the form of the account and the terms of this Account Agreement. Any conflict between oral representations by you or Credit Union employees and any written form will be resolved by reference to this Agreement and applicable written form.

Credit Union Lien and Security Interest

To the extent you owe the Credit Union money as a borrower, guarantor, endorser or otherwise, the Credit Union has a lien on any or all of the funds in any account in which you have an ownership interest at the Credit Union, regardless of the source of the funds. The Credit Union may apply these funds in any order to pay off your indebtedness without further notice to you. If the Credit Union chooses not to enforce its lien, the Credit Union does not waive its right to enforce the lien at a later time. In addition, you agree the Credit Union may use the funds from your accounts to pay any debt or amount owed the Credit Union, except obligations secured by your dwelling, unless prohibited by applicable law. All accounts are not assignable and nontransferable to third parties.

Legal Process

If any legal action, such as a levy, garnishment, or attachment, is brought against your account, the Credit Union may refuse to pay out any money from your account until the dispute is resolved. If the Credit Union incurs any expenses or attorney fees in responding to legal process, such expenses may be charged against your account without prior notice to you, unless prohibited by law. Any legal process against your account is subject to the Credit Union's lien and to any additional fees we may charge as set forth in the Fees and Limits Schedule.

Account Information

Upon your request, the Credit Union will inform you of the name and address of each credit reporting agency from which the Credit Union obtains a credit report in connection with your account. The Credit Union agrees not to disclose information to third parties about your account regarding any transaction or balances except when: (a) it is necessary to complete the transaction; (b) the third party seeks to verify the existence or condition of your account in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act or other applicable laws and regulations; (c) such disclosure is in compliance with the law, government agencies or court orders; or (d) you give us your express permission.


  1. Name or Address Changes

    It is your responsibility to notify the Credit Union upon a change of address or change of name. The Credit Union is only required to attempt to communicate with you at the most recent address you have provided to the Credit Union. The Credit Union will accept notices of a change in address and any other notice from you to the Credit Union only if provided in writing, in-person, by telephone, by Digital Banking, or by secure messaging. If the Credit Union attempts to locate you, the Credit Union may impose a service fee as set forth in the Fees and Limits Schedule.
  2. Notice of Amendments

    Except as otherwise prohibited by applicable law, the terms of this Agreement are subject to change at any time. The Credit Union will notify you of any changes in account terms, rates, or fees as required by law. The Credit Union reserves the right to require written consent of all account owners for a change of ownership, such as adding or removing a joint owner. The Credit Union reserves the right to waive any term in this Agreement. Any such waiver shall not affect the Credit Union's right to enforce any right in the future.
  3. Effect of Notice

    Any written notice you give to the Credit Union is effective when it is actually received by the Credit Union. The Credit Union reserves the right to accept oral instructions, and you agree to hold the Credit Union harmless from any liability as a result of such instructions. Any written notice the Credit Union gives to you is effective when it is deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid and addressed to you at your statement mailing address. Notice to any one account owner is considered notice to all owners of the account.
  4. Negative Information Notice

    We may report information about your loan, share or deposit accounts to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your accounts may be reflected in your credit report.
  5. Consent to Communications

    By providing an email address, telephone number for cellular phone, or other wireless device, you are expressly consenting to receiving communications at that address or number, including, but not limited to, prerecorded or voice mail message calls, text messages, and calls made by an automatic telephone dialing system from us and our affiliates and agents. This express consent applies to each address or telephone number that you provide to us now or in the future and permits such communication regardless of their purpose. In the regular course of our service to you, we may monitor and record phone conversations made or received by our employees. You agree that we will have this right with respect to all phone conversations between you and our employees, whether initiated by you or any of our employees. For payment authorizations you provide by telephone, we may require you to confirm such instructions in writing.
  6. Electronic Signatures

    You understand and agree that your electronic consent is your electronic signature which specifically records your signature and assent to the Membership and Account Agreement and constitutes your agreement to the terms and conditions of the Membership and Account Agreement. You agree your electronic signature captured and stored as an image by this electronic means shall be sufficient to evidence of your assent to be contractually bound by the Agreement and shall constitute a valid signature for purposes of any provision of this Agreement.

Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) and Backup Withholding

If your account is or becomes subject to backup withholding, the Credit Union is required by law to withhold and pay to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) a required percentage of payments of interest, dividends and certain other payments under certain conditions. Your failure to furnish a correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) or valid social security number, or meet other applicable requirements may result in backup withholding as well as civil or criminal penalties. If you refuse to provide your TIN or valid social security number, the Credit Union may delay the opening of your account.


  1. Contents

    If the Credit Union provides a statement for your account, you will receive a periodic statement of all transactions and activity on your account during the statement period. If a periodic statement is provided you agree that only one statement is necessary for a multiple party account. For checking accounts, you understand that when paid, your original check (or any substitute check) becomes property of the Credit Union and may not be returned to you. You agree to keep a copy or carbon copy of your original check in order to verify its validity. If you request us to provide you with an original check or sufficient copy, you agree that we may provide an electronic image of the original check or sufficient copy if you have agreed to receive account information or statements electronically. You understand your statements and checks are made available to you on the date the statement is mailed to you.
  2. Examination

    You are responsible for examining each statement and reporting any irregularities to the Credit Union. The Credit Union will not be responsible for any forged, altered, or unauthorized check or item drawn on your account if (i) you fail to notify the Credit Union within 30 days of the mailing date of the earliest statement and availability of checks containing any forgery, alteration, or unauthorized signature on the item or (ii) any items forged or altered in a manner not detectable by a reasonable person including the unauthorized use of a facsimile signature machine. For Electronic Services, you have separate requirements for examining your statements and notifying us of statement errors or unauthorized electronic funds transactions as set forth in the Electronic Services Service Agreement below.
  3. Notice to Credit Union

    You agree that the Credit Union's retention of checks does not alter or waive your responsibility to examine your statements and check copies, or the time limit for notifying the Credit Union of any errors. The statement will be considered correct for all purposes and the Credit Union will not be liable for any payment made or charged to your account unless you notify the Credit Union in writing within the above time limit after the statement and checks are made available to you.
  4. Electronic Statements (e-statements)

    If you have elected to receive your statement electronically, your statement will be available through Digital Banking to access, review, print, and otherwise copy or download on the fifth of each month for the previous month’s statement as disclosed in your online statement agreement.

Inactive and Abandoned Accounts

If you have an account that you have not made a withdrawal from, deposit to, renewal of, or transfer involving your account for more than one (1) year, the Credit Union may classify your account as inactive and may charge a dormant account service fee as allowed by applicable law and set forth on the Fees and Limits Schedule. Thereafter, dividends or interest will not be paid on the account if the balance falls below any minimum balance requirement. You authorize us to transfer funds from any available account of yours to cover the monthly maintenance fee, if necessary. If a deposit or withdrawal has not been made on the account, you have not otherwise indicated an interest in the account, or the Credit Union has had no other contact with you within five (5) years as required by the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, the account will presumed to be abandoned. Funds in abandoned accounts will be remitted in accordance with state law. Once funds have been turned over to the state, the Credit Union has no further liability to you for such funds. If you choose to reclaim such funds, you must apply to the appropriate state agency.

Death of Account Owner

You agree that upon your death, your account will be payable in accordance with any existing account designations and the terms of this Agreement. The Credit Union may require the survivor or other claimant to the account to produce certain documents before releasing the funds in the account. The Credit Union may continue to honor all transfers, withdrawals, deposits and other transactions on the account until the Credit Union learns of an account owner's death. Once the Credit Union learns of a member's death, the Credit Union may pay checks or honor other payments or transfer orders authorized by the deceased member for a period of ten days unless the Credit Union receives instructions from any person claiming an interest in the account to stop payment on the checks or other items. You agree that the Credit Union can require that anyone who claims funds in your account after your death to indemnify the Credit Union for any losses resulting from honoring that claim.

Termination of Account

The Credit Union may terminate your account at any time without notice to you or may require you to close your account and apply for a new account if: (a) there is a change in owners or authorized signers, (b) there has been a forgery or fraud reported or committed involving your account, (c) there is a dispute as to the ownership of the funds in the account, (d) any account checks are lost or stolen, (e) if there are excessive returned unpaid items not covered by an overdraft plan, or (f) if there has been any misrepresentation or any other abuse of any of your accounts, (g) we reasonably deem it necessary to prevent a loss to us, or (h) if you engage in any activity of betting or wagering or are otherwise engaged in any internet gambling business, or any owner or authorized user causes the Credit Union to suffer a loss. You may terminate your account at any time by notifying the Credit Union by oral direction or in writing. The Credit Union is not responsible for payment of any check, withdrawal, deposit, or other item once your account is terminated; however, if the Credit Union pays a check after termination, you agree to reimburse the Credit Union for payment.

Termination of Membership

You may terminate your membership at the Credit Union after giving written notice of your intent to withdraw. You may be expelled if you fail to comply with the Credit Union policies, procedures, or Bylaws, conduct yourself in a threatening or abusive manner to Credit Union personnel. You may be denied privileges of service or expelled from membership for any reason allowed by applicable law, including causing a loss to the Credit Union. If you are expelled, you may not be a joint account owner on another account.

Special Account Instructions

You may request the Credit Union to facilitate certain trust, will, or court-ordered account arrangements. However, because the Credit Union does not give legal advice, we cannot counsel you as to which account arrangement most appropriately meets the specific requirements of your trust, will, or court order. You and any surviving owner or beneficiary agree(s) to indemnify and hold the Credit Union harmless from any claim or liability asserted against the Credit Union as a result of the disposition of funds in reliance on this agreement and any account designation of yours. If you ask the Credit Union to follow instructions that the Credit Union believes might expose it to claims, suits, lawsuits, expenses, liabilities, or damages, whether directly or indirectly, the Credit Union may refuse to follow your instructions or may require you to post a bond or otherwise indemnify the Credit Union. Any item presented with a full payment legend must be presented in person to a Credit Union officer; otherwise, payment is accepted with full reservation of rights. Account changes requested by you must be evidenced by a signed Member Services Signature Card and be accepted by the Credit Union. The Credit Union will not recognize the authority of someone to whom you have given power of attorney without an acceptable, written Power of Attorney on record at the Credit Union. You understand and agree that the Credit Union may choose to retain electronic or imaged copies of any original documents and you agree that an electronic or image copy is as valid as an original document.


You agree to be liable to the Credit Union for any liability, loss, or expense as provided in this Agreement that the Credit Union incurs as a result of any dispute involving your accounts or services. You authorize the Credit Union to deduct any such liability, loss, or expense from your account without prior notice to you. In the event either party brings a legal action to enforce the Agreement or collect any overdrawn funds on accounts accessed under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled, (subject to applicable law), to payment by the other party of its reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees on any appeal, bankruptcy proceedings, and any post judgment collection actions, if applicable.

Governing Law

This Agreement is governed by the Bylaws of the Credit Union, federal laws and regulations, the laws and regulations of the State of North Carolina and the state in which you reside, as applicable, and local clearinghouse rules, as amended from time to time. Any disputes regarding this Agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in the county where the Credit Union is located or the county in which the member resides if required by law. In the event that any paragraph of this Agreement or any portion thereof is held by a court to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the other paragraphs and portions of this Agreement shall not be invalid or unenforceable and will continue in full force.

Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver

Resolution of Disputes by Arbitration

  1. Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes

    Either you or we may elect, without the other’s consent, to require that any dispute between us concerning your accounts and the services related to your accounts be resolved by binding arbitration, except for those disputes specifically excluded below.

    This arbitration agreement is entered into pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1 – 16 (the “FAA”).

  2. Disputes Covered by Arbitration

    Claims or disputes between you and us arising out of or relating to your account(s), transactions involving your account(s), safe deposit box, and any related service with us are subject to arbitration. Any claims or disputes arising from or relating to this Agreement, any prior account agreement between us, or the advertising, the application for, or the approval or establishment of your account are also included. Claims are subject to arbitration, regardless of what theory they are based on or whether they seek legal or equitable remedies.

    Arbitration applies to any and all such claims or disputes, whether they arose in the past, may currently exist or may arise in the future. Disputes also include claims or disputes relating to the enforceability, validity, scope or interpretation of any of these arbitration provisions. Any questions about whether disputes are subject to arbitration shall be resolved by interpreting this arbitration provision in the broadest way the law will allow it to be enforced. All such disputes are referred to in this section as “Claims”.

    An exception to arbitration of Claims is that both you and we have the right to pursue a Claim in a small claims court instead of arbitration, if the Claim is in that court’s jurisdiction and proceeds on an individual basis. Claims or disputes arising from your status as a borrower under any loan agreement with the Credit Union are also excluded from this Resolution of Disputes by Arbitration provision.

  3. No Class Action or Joinder of Parties


    Unless mutually agreed to by you and us, claims of two or more persons may not be joined, consolidated, or otherwise brought together in the same arbitration (unless those persons are joint account holders or beneficiaries on your account and/or related accounts, or parties to a single transaction or related transaction), whether or not the claim may have been assigned.

  4. Right to Reject this Resolution of Disputes by Arbitration Provision

    You have the right to opt out of this agreement to arbitrate if you tell us within 30 days of the opening of your account or the mailing of this notice, whichever is sooner. To opt out, send us written notice that you reject the Resolution of Disputes by Arbitration provision, including your name as listed on your account and your account number to Attention: Compliance, Summit Credit Union, 8210 West Market St, Greensboro, NC 27409.

    Otherwise, this agreement to arbitrate will apply without limitation, regardless of whether (i) your account is closed; (ii) you pay us in full any outstanding debt you owe; or (iii) you file for bankruptcy.

  5. Arbitration Proceeding

    The arbitration must be filed with one of the following neutral arbitration forums: American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) or JAMS. For AAA, the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the AAA Consumer Due Process Protocol in concert with the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules. For JAMS, the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules & Procedures. If there is a conflict between a particular provision of the AAA or JAMS Rules and this arbitration provision and/or this Agreement, this arbitration provision and this Agreement will control. If JAMS or the AAA is unable or unwilling to handle the claim for any reason, then the matter shall be arbitrated by a neutral arbitrator selected by agreement of the parties (or, if the parties cannot agree, selected by a court in accordance with the FAA). The neutral arbitrator selected by the parties or the court shall apply the Federal Rules of Evidence and the Federal Rules of Procedure concerning discovery, except that the above class action waiver is specifically enforceable notwithstanding any Federal Rule of Procedure to the contrary.
  6. Costs

    The party initiating the arbitration shall pay the initial filing fee. If you file the arbitration and an award is rendered in your favor, we will reimburse you for your filing fee. If there is a hearing, we will pay the fees and costs of the arbitration for the first day of that hearing. All other fees and costs will be allocated in accordance with the rules of the arbitration forum. However, we will advance or reimburse filing and other fees if the arbitrator rules that you cannot afford to pay them or finds other good cause for requiring Us to do so, or if you ask us in writing and we determine there is good reason for doing so. Each party shall bear the expense of their respective attorneys, experts, and witnesses and other expenses, regardless of who prevails, but a party may recover any or all costs and expenses from another party if the arbitrator, applying applicable law, so determines.
  7. Right to Resort to Provisional Remedies Preserved

    Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit or constrain our right to resort to self-help remedies, such as the right of set-off or the right to restrain funds in an account, to interplead funds in the event of a dispute, to exercise any security interest or lien we may hold in property, or to comply with legal process, or to obtain provisional remedies such as injunctive relief, attachment, or garnishment by a court having appropriate jurisdiction; provided, however, that you or we may elect to arbitrate any dispute related to such provisional remedies.
  8. Severability, Survival

    These arbitration provisions shall survive:

    1. Termination or changes to your accounts or any related services;
    2. The bankruptcy of any party; and
    3. The transfer or assignment of your accounts or any related services.

    If any portion of this Resolution of Disputes by Arbitration provision is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Resolution of Disputes by Arbitration provision shall remain in force. No portion of this Resolution of Disputes by Arbitration provision may be amended, severed, or waived absent a written agreement between you and Us.

  9. Applicability

    The requirement to arbitrate will not apply to your account as long as you are a Service Member of the U.S. military on active duty.